A For Adventure / Agency
Est. 2013 / Richmond, VA USA
Branding / Design / Brand Strategy / etc
“Great design changes everything.”
The Adventurers – perpetually searching for excitement, beauty, knowledge, wit, connection, and generally – a quest for wonder.
Jonathan Goldberg
Founder / Creative Director
A For Adventure was founded in 2013 by designer / creative director, Jonathan Goldberg, who had recently returned to his hometown of Richmond, VA after a decade in Brooklyn, NY.
Inspired by his wife, Jessica, who had just opened her own small business, Little House Green Grocery, Jonathan sought to build a creative and aesthetically driven agency that eschewed many agency culture clichés – formulaic solutions, dysfunctional project management, transactional client relationships, and unsustainable work/life balance.
Ten years on, A For Adventure remains committed to these goals and values, and has grown into a highly respected and awarded brand dev and strategy agency that also greatly enjoys “dabbling” in social media, advertising, and interior design.

A hallmark of our process is the belief in the guiding value of the following four pillars as applied to any strategy, design, product, or communication…
Be fun, simple, smart, and brave.
Fun → People love fun. We search for it, bookmark it and share it. We always want more of it. If it’s not fun, why are we doing it, watching it or buying it? Fun is simple.
Simple → Simple is focused. Simple is elegant. Simple gets to the point and is easy to remember. Simple takes practice and discipline. Simple is smart.
Smart → Great ideas need clear goals and strategies. We know why and where we’re doing it, saying it, printing it, and filming it. Smart is calculated risks and learning from mistakes. Smart is brave.
Brave → Bravery is a willfulness of choice. Choosing to be heard or have something to say. To stand for something or stake a claim. Bravery chooses adventure over complacency and conformity.